
At Hupp To It – Sports Recovery, we evaluate and treat soft-tissue conditions that may be causing you pain or discomfort. Owner, Corinne Lyons Hupp, is a Certified Athletic Trainer who uses her knowledge in injury & orthopedic evaluation, Active Release Techniques®, and rehabilitation to help resolve these conditions safely and as quickly as possible so that you can get back to practicing, playing and living at your full potential!

Some of these conditions include back pain, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, tennis elbow and many more. Even if you have a pain that has been plaguing you for months or years, set up an appointment!

Active Release Techniques

Active Release Techniques® (ART®) is the Gold Standard in Soft-Tissue Care™ that pinpoints tight & painful soft-tissues to help increase range of motion, blood flow and elasticity which helps decrease symptoms and increase function.

The soft tissues make up the muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments, and nerves of our bodies. Common disorders that occur in these tissues include sprains, strains, overuse injuries & any other musculoskeletal disorder.

Who are our Athletes?

At Hupp To It, we want ALL active individuals practicing, playing and living to their full potential! 

This means that we want to see any individual who is experiencing pain or soreness with activity. You could be a marathoner, casual tennis player, high school/college athlete, an avid gardener, golfer, or a neighborhood walker. If you are ACTIVE then you are an ATHLETE and no one should have to experience pain in the activity that they enjoy!

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment, CLICK HERE to set up an evaluation and begin your treatment today!